PSP Addiction.....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I cursed myself for abandoning my blog. It’s not of my own free will of course. I was advised by my doctor, to be bed-ridden for a long period of time, aside from that I was always unconscious and if not very ill and spitting blood. I was fighting for my life literally. Having a very serious heart-ailment confined me in my four-walled bedroom, stopping me from attending school and go out with my college friends. Boredom sucks the life out of me even more. But thanks to my very loving and thoughtful hubby Marco for buying me a PSP. If I am conscious, my PSP keeps me alive. It brought me complete joy. I was virtually a millionare after finishing Who Wants to be a Millionare. I was even richer thanks to Tekken. If only it could be real though. I even became a superhero by playing Naruto and Spongebob… The Yellow Avenger. Mind you guys, Spongebob is one tough game. What will make my life without my beloved PSP.

Merci Beacoup Baby for buying me a PSP!!!