Abegail sent me an e-mail asking me to answer the following questions. Being a good friend that I am, I will humor her....
1-How are you?
-> I'm in heaven right now...
2-Post a picture of yourself.
-> Haler... Can you just look at my headings....
3-Do you ever wish you were
someone else?
-> Nope... I love the way I am and who I am, so why envy?!?
4-What is your entire name?
-> Aika Victoria D. Belga
5-How old are you?
-> Turning 27....
6-Age you
get mistaken for:
-> Younger than 27... Childish Mode Attack.... Hahahaha....
7-Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your
-> Taurus... Definitely fits my personality...
8-What did you do on your last birthday?
-> Vacay in Singapore with Ryan...
9-What is one thing
you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?
-> Getting an ink....
10-What is your hair
-> Black.... Though I dyed my hair depending on my mood...
11-Have you ever dyed your hair?
-> Yip.... A lot of times....
12-What is your eye
-> Dark Brown....
13-If you could change your eye color, would you?
-> I wish to have the same eye color as my father.... Gray Eyes.... So Fifty Shades...
14-Do you wear
-> Supposed to be wearing eyeglasses but I loathe them...
18-Do you have any tattoos?
-> Getting one.... Sooners rather than laters....
19-Do you have any
-> Yip... Ears... Used to have one in my tongue and my nose....
20-Left or right handed?
-> Right handed baby...
21-What’s your sexual
-> Straight...
22-Do you drink?
-> Yip....
23-Do you smoke?
-> Yip....
24-Do you have any
-> Yip... Dogs.....
25-Where do you work?
-> Harte-Hanks....
26-Something you are working on right
-> This blog post....
27-Do you have any “rules” about food?
-> Yip... I loathe the idea of having different foods in one plate...
28-Where are you
-> Philippines....
29-What would you say is your best quality?
-> Me being mercurial..... Hahahaha....
30-What do you think
you’re really good at?
-> Talking..... Ranting.... Fuzzing.... Making love with ya...
31-What do you think you’re really bad at?
-> Saying what is on my mind without pausing or thinking....
you a bad person?
-> Sometimes....
34-Are you nice to everyone?
-> Nope.... You can't please everybody...
36-Has someone ever spread
a nasty rumor about you?
-> A lot of times.....
37-What is your ideal bed? Why?
-> King -Sized bed...... So it can fit both Ry and I... Hahahaha
38-Did you wake
up cranky?
-> Sometimes....
39-Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?
-> Not anymore....
40-What do you think about
the most?
-> My future.... If I am bound for spinsterhood....
42-What you want to be when you “get older”?
-> I dunno.... I live my life one day at a time....
43-What are your
career goals?
-> I dunno.... I live my life one day at a time nga....
44-What is your ideal career?
-> To be honest.... I want to be a great mind doctor....
45-Is your life anything like
it was two years ago?
-> Nope.... The only thing that is constant in this world are changes....
46-Do you replay things that have happened in your
-> Nope.... I tend to forget... Hahahaha...
47-Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
-> Yes.....
48-Say 10 facts about your
c.White Paint.... Para malinis tignan...
d.Clean Sheets everyday...
e.My room is my sanctuary...
f. My room is my library....
g.My room is the tambayan of all time....
h.Most visited room in the house...
i.My room is my comfort zone....
j.Messy after what happened yesterday...
49-Do you have any phobias?
-> A lot....
50-Have you ever been to a
-> Yes.... To interview them for my special project...
51-Are you allergic to anything? If so,
-> Shrimps....
52-Ever broken any bones?
-> Yes....
53-Ever come close to death?
-> Honestly.... Yip...
60-Do you
have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this?
-> Yes.... She is already my friend....
61-Do you
have any pictures on your Facebook?
-> A lot....
62-Describe yourself in one
-> Ms. Mercurial....
63-A quote you try to live by:
-> " You can't have anything, if you want to have everything."
64-A famous person you’ve
been compared to:
-> Julie Vega.... Hahahah...
65-Weird things you do when you’re alone:
-> There's a lot.... Click this link: Weird Things....
you do without realizing:
-> Biting my nails.... Bad habit... Really bad habit....
68-Someone you’d like to be for a day and
-> Nobody....
69-Leave me a compliment:
-> You, Abegail is one of the best girlfriend I ever had....
70-What is your favorite thing to
-> Reading....
71-What’s your favorite color?
-> All shades of blue with a little touch of pink for my feminine side...
73-What’s your favorite
-> Serendipity....
74-What are your favorite books?
-> The Secret of Sebastian Beaumont.... Fifty Shades Series... Hahahaha....
75-What is your favorite quote and
-> Hold on but don't cling too long.... Why??? We should learn how to let go if needed....
76-What is your favorite word?
-> Laters baby.... Courtesy of Christian Grey.... Hahahah....
77-What is your least favorite
-> Goodbye....
78-What is your favorite type of food?
-> Italian Food....
79-Your favorite ice
-> Magnum.... Hahahah... Kidding aside.... Dulche de Leche of Haagen-Dazs....
80-What’s your favorite animal?
-> Dog....
81-Dogs or cats?
-> I am a dog lover....
your favourite texture:
-> Smooth and silky...
83-What is your favorite flower?
-> Tulips....
84-What’s your
favourite scent? And on the opposite sex?
-> Sweet Scents.... Perry Ellis..... For him.... Bvlgari Green....
85-What is your favorite
-> Spring....
86-What are the top five places you wish you could go before you
87-What are four things you can’t live without and why?
a.My cellphone... Because I want to keep in touch always....
b.My Ipod.... Because I love listening to music...
c.My watch.. Because I always want to be on time...
d.My Comb... Because I always want my hair to be perfect....
mythological creature are you most like? Why?
-> I don't know....
89-What’s your favorite
television show?
-> Pretty Little Liars... As of the moment...
90-Favorite place to shop at?
-> Ukay-Ukay.... Hahahahaha.... Digging aside.... Robinson's Place Ermita....
91-Say 2 facts about your
favorite things:
a. Long
b. Hard
92.-Would you ever smile at a stranger?
-> Depends on the situation...
93. Do you love ur
EX (Ryan):
-> Yes....
94. Would u take a risk having him again?
-> Absolutely, YES..... (Kahit alam kong magjejelly si Deanmark Tortosa) Ashihihihihihhh....
95. Are you open for a
second chance with him?
-> Always....
Hope this will satisfy your inquisitive side Abegail Macavinta.....
Laters Baby....